
How can I cancel my reservation?

We are flexible and understand plans can change. Therefore, you can cancel your reservation:

- If you need to cancel your booking for a pick-up in the next 7 days, please call the rental country.
- If you need to cancel your booking for a pick-up in more than 7 days time, please use the cancel booking request form on the website.
Please note that you can cancel for free until 2 hours before the departure time.

For reservations made for Portugal and the United Kingdom as of May 15 and with collection starting on June 1, 2018 you can find the link to cancel your reservation on your confirmation e-mail.

For reservations made for Spain as of August 16 and with collections starting on Novermber 6, 2018 you can find the link to cancel your reservation on your confirmation e-mail.

For reservations made for France as of August 20 and with collections starting on October 2, 2018 you can find the link to cancel your reservation on your confirmation e-mail.

For reservations made for Italy as of September 6 and with collections starting on November 13, 2018 you can find the link to cancel your reservation on your confirmation e-mail.

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